Where we are now

Monday, August 15, 2005

Robert's cabin Posted by Picasa

Hi, from Dawson City, Yukon!

Yesterday, we drove to Eagle, Alaska and discovered where some of the fires were burning. It was smoky for most of the trip which included corkscrew turns and very rough road. When we got close to Eagle the sun broke through and it was beautiful and clear out. We basked in the sunshine for awhile, then drove the crooked road back to our trailer. We stayed overnight in a gravel pit amidst the smoke. This morning we crossed the border into the Yukon and the smoke seemed to be centralized in Alaska. The further we drove the clearer it got and we had a great ride over the ‘Top of the World Highway’. We just toured Dawson City and took photos of the cabin that Robert W. Service lived in. It is hot here – about 28 degrees and we are in the trailer with the air conditioner on.


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