Where we are now

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mt McKinley Posted by Picasa

Hi, from Fairbanks, Alaska!

When we visited Homer, we drove down the Spit and it was very tourist oriented – lots of shops selling stuff. We bought fresh halibut and scallops and both tasted really good.

Stephen and Caroline, you had enquired about how long the days are here. When we stayed in Homer the sun set at 10 pm and rose around 5:00 am. Just a bit of trivia – the shortest day of possible sunshine in Fairbanks is Dec 21 – 3hrs, 42 minutes. The longest day of possible sunshine is June 21 – 21 hours, 49 minutes.

Yesterday we had two firsts:
1. We left the trailer parked along the road in a pull over and drove into Seward – a total distance of 120 miles – I thought Raymond would be panicking about the trailer, but he did okay for his “first time”.
2. We parked overnight at a gravel pit – people are allowed to park anywhere in Alaska and nobody seems to mind.

We arrived in Fairbanks in the late afternoon and as fires are burning somewhere in the west, the air is thick with smoke. We were very lucky this morning as the view of Mt. McKinley was clear and quite amazing – see attached pictures.

Susan, sounds like you are having a busy summer – in a couple of weeks the kids go back to school and you are back at work – yikes!

Lynda, glad you are traveling on our vacation with us by visiting our blog.


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