Where we are now

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hi, from Homer, Alaska!

Monday was the first day we had shorts on since we left Joan’s place over a week ago. Last night and tonight we are parked at a rustic campsite overlooking the Cook Inlet and we have a fantastic view. On Sunday we stayed at Confederation Park in Anchorage and Cathy was so impressed with the mushrooms growing there that she took over 20 pictures – see attached for one of them. While having our pre-breakfast coffee, before we left Confederation Park, a black bear proceeded to amble through the campground and no one seemed concerned, so maybe this was his usual route to wherever he was going. Attached is a picture of our trailer parked in the campground looking over Cook Inlet and in the background is a mountain (part of the Chigmit mountains) sticking out of the haze that looked really impressive


  • Wow nice pictures! Sounds like your trip is going great. Too bad you didn't get a pic of the bear. It has rained here the last two days so no need to water the garden. Seems like the hot days are behind us and fall is coming. Family is great - Ron is working five days a week to get ready to move his unit to a different building. Ryan has hocky camp for the next two weeks - yipee for me as one of them is in the middle of the day. Katelyn is on a new horse named Luca. She is a chestnut. Brett is his usual demanding self ... he is following Ryan around so much that I have to give Ryan 1/2 hour a day "Brett-free" time in his room. Well miss you alot - feels like you have already been gone a month but it has only been a week and a half.
    Keep safe!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:27 AM  

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