Where we are now

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Whitehorse Posted by Picasa
Hi, from Whitehorse, Yukon! We had originally thought that if we took our trip in August we would have nothing but sunshine and warmth. Boy, were we wrong. We left Dawson Creek on Sunday and we stopped at Summit Lake after a day of driving through the pouring rain. It was so cold, 7 degrees, that we stayed in the trailer and played cards and hoped that the rain wouldn’t turn into snow and luckily it didn’t. We had sunshine most of the next day and stopped at Teslin Lake for the night. It was a beautiful evening even though it was windy and this morning we woke up to – would you believe it – RAIN and COLD! We are sightseeing around Whitehorse today and tomorrow we travel on to Tok, Alaska. Here’s hoping the sungods find us!


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