Where we are now

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Dawson Creek

Hi, from Dawson Creek! We started our month-long vacation on Saturday with our first stop at my sister, Joan’s place at Val Quentin. She and her husband, Geoff, have the most fantastic place on Lac Ste. Anne and the day we stopped there, it was absolutely glorious. Joan was worried that the weather would not cooperate, but it couldn’t have been more perfect. To top it off., my sister, Karlene and her husband, Bob, and my cousin, Bev and her husband, Frank, also visited with us and it felt like old times. The four of us – Joan, Karlene, Bev and I - grew up together in the town of Didsbury and even though we lost contact with each other over the years, we have recently been conversing via email. Geoff was our tour guide with a trip around the lake in his boat and then a drive around the area. We left Joan and Geoff’s place around 8:30 on Sunday morning and arrived at Dawson Creek, BC, around 3:30 pm.


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