Where we are now

Thursday, August 11, 2005

No charge Camping Posted by Picasa

There are a lot of misquitoes in Alaska and we have proof pasted on the front of our trailer.


  • Hi again,

    Nice to be on your vacation with you. We saw Alaska from a cruise ship which was nice, but I think you get to see it more the way you are going. Glad to hear you are enjoying every moment of your trip. Making memories is what life is all about. Work is good. I filled in for someone on holidays for the past two weeks from 8 to 4:30. She comes back on Tuesday. Her job will be open full time for a year as of the middle of September because she will be on maternity leave. Food for thought. Keep having fun. Love your pictures. You will have fresh ideas for your next set of paintings.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:05 PM  

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