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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

John's post on Emma

John here again filing a report for Emma. Today was a much improved day. The nurse gave Emma gravol via IV before the cancer drug. That plus the regular use of anti nausea medication has made her tummy a little happier so no vomiting today (yippie).
She was warmer during treatment today as she took afew more cloths to layer on to help stay warm. They did her IV line in herleft forearm and left it in so they can reuse it tomorrow and possibly as long as through Friday. Fewer needle pricks makes for less tension for Emma, so this is a good thing. Nap time at home after treatment was more comfortable with the electric blanket we ordered from Sears. I cooked up some pasta for supper and Emma ate some, and after supper went for a shortwalk with the dogs. After the walk she started to tire again and laid down on the sofa for the rest of the night.


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