Where we are now

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bear Posted by Picasa

Hi, from Meziadin Lake Provincial Park, B.C.

Today is August 22, 2005 and we are camping at a beautiful spot on Meziadin Lake (pronounced Mezy-AD-in). Earlier today we drove from Kinaskan Lake Provincial Park where we had camped for the night – a beautiful spot. We had about a 320 km drive to the turnoff to Meziadin Lake Provincial Park but road construction was in full swing and it was hell to say the least. At one point they were dumping gravel on the road and the trailer bottomed out – couldn’t even see the bottom of the tires on the truck. Raymond backed all the way down the hill and took a run at it and with great effort we made the top.

This afternoon we went on a hunt for bears as Raymond’s wish is to see a bear – any bear. We left the trailer at Meziadin Lake Provincial Park and proceeded on the road to Stewart. We were very impressed with the Bear Glacier and some other tourists told us that they had seen bears at Salmon Glacier so we proceeded to drive to Stewart, then Hyder, Alaska and then drove up a steep, narrow winding road – and of course, it was raining so it was slippery and very muddy, to see the Salmon Glacier. The higher we climbed, the thicker the low lying clouds were and visibility was very limited. We saw some of the Salmon Glacier but not the upper area. From what we could see, the glacier was huge. And of course, no bears were to be seen anywhere! We finally turned around and drove the steep, narrow, winding, muddy road back to Stewart. Raymond was devastated that our search for bears was unrewarded. Then about one km from our campsite at Meziadin Lake we saw a black bear run across the road and into the bush. At last, a bear! We didn’t get a picture of it – but we did see it. And then a short distance down the road another black bear ran across the road in front of us – wow, two black bears and to think we had driven 210 kms up to Salmon Glacier to see bears and all we had to do was sit on the road 1 km from our campsite and wait for the bears to come to us.
We are now near Prince George.BC


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