Where we are now

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hi, from McLeese Lake Resort, B.C.

This is Wednesday August 24, 2005 and we are enjoying our last few days of holidays. Yesterday we drove and drove and drove and after a fruitless search for a provincial campground, we did another first – we camped at a K.O.A. campground! This campground was at Burns Lake. They originally put us in a stall between two other trailers and Raymond couldn’t stand it. He had already set the trailer up, had the ribs cooking on the barbeque and I was boiling water on the stove to cook corn on the cob for supper, when he poked his head in the door of the trailer and said he was going to see if we couldn’t move to a site with some breathing room around it. He came back in a moment and sure enough, we were on the move to a much better spot.
Today we drove past Prince George, turned onto Highway 97 south and again searched for a provincial campground to stay overnight and of course we couldn’t find one. We decided to stay at a “resort” campground as Raymond had driven enough for the day. This campground turned out to be very nice and we had a chance to put the canoe in the water and paddle around the lake.

Hi Susan. I am sure glad some people in my family can figure out how to put a comment in our blog. Kevin, are you not following along with us? Are you not looking after our house for us? Where are you?

Hi, Emma and John. Thanks for your emails. Hope everything goes well with your treatment. We will be in touch when we get home.


  • Hi, I am happy that I kept in touch during your trip and enjoyed all your pictures!!!!!! Now for you to get home and have movie night. John has a month off, but we have no plans at the moment to do anything. I am still busy working and keeping productive. When it slows down a bit, we will probably go somewhere. Campgrounds can get really overcrowded at this time of year. People are out having their last fling with the kids before school starts. I wrote to you, but have to do it all over again because it got lost in cyberspace somewhere. This has been a very fast week. Hope you enjoy the fine weather for the remainder of your holiday. Keep safe and take care.

    PS Let's see if I can send this one. Sometimes life is a challenge.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:17 PM  

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