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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

An report from John on the start of Emma's inerferon treatments

John here with a report on Emma. Emma had her first of many interferontreatments today. She was nervous about it and needed a little help settlingdown. The nurse got a line into her first try which can be a challenge withEmma's small veins. She got some intravenous fluids to start, then the drugand then 350 ml more fluids by intravenous. Her arm was sore while thefluids and drug went into her. About 30 minutes after the end of hertreatment on the trip home she started to feel sick. When we got home andshe was settled I called a neighbour to watch Emma while I ran to get twoprescriptions filled. She was nauseous and started to vomit. I called the oncall oncologist and he said she could have 2 more of the anti nauseamedication and then one more every four hours. About 30 minutes later shevomited again and I called the on call oncologist again. He said to give hergraval which should settle her stomach and make her drowsy. She settledafter that and my mom arrived to spend the week with us and help out.She has had little fluid or food since breakfast ( I'm not much better witha muffin, piece of pizza and a cheese sandwich for my daily sustenance).With the vomiting and nausea she is scared to eat or drink. 10 AM tomorrowis her next appointment so she will get fluids then and hopefully be betterable to manage the nausea and start eating again.John and Emma.


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