Where we are now

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Lake Havasu City AZ

Move from Parker to Lake Havasu City

We enjoyed our week long stay on BLM land east of Parker but needed to see some new country so we packed up Saturday morning and headed for Lake Havasu City, AZ. We also needed to go somewhere that we could get cel phone reception as couldn’t seem to pick up anything even though we could see towers on a hill close by. Zack had worn himself out digging holes in search of those ever present lizards so we felt he needed to be removed from the temptation.

We are parked in the Craggy Wash at the north end of the city and thought we might need some wind, so parked uphill in the wash. Of course, once we got here, five more trailers parked just down from us and hopefully left us some space to drive through to the road. This morning the wind was blowing about 100 km/h and it was really hard to hold onto the door when we headed outside. Hopefully the wind will die down and we will be able to sit outside in the beautiful sunshine this afternoon. We will go to town sometime today and get more groceries. Hopefully the meat quality is better here than the Safeway Store in Parker. We really liked Frys in Phoenix and can’t seem to find this store anywhere else.

Monday is voting day in Alberta and this is the first year in my adult life that I will not be voting. Would vote if we were home, but kind of hard when we are in the States. There are a lot of us snowbirds from Alberta down here trying to keep warm (or where we are trying to stay in the shade in 28°C heat) and so a lot of votes will be lost. Hopefully everyone that is eligible to vote will do so.


  • Hi Mom & Ray,
    I hope that you're doing well...we miss you and hope that you're coming home soon.

    Things are alright here...it's warming up and it feels like spring is just around the corner.

    Stephen & Carol

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:21 PM  

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