Where we are now

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Travelling from Quartzsite to Parker AZ

We stayed just outside of Quartzsite for a total of 10 days but due to trailer maintenance (dumping and water which we did at Quartzsite) we left Monday and traveled to BLM land east of Parker. The weather has been very warm with just a bit of wind. We have been on the road now for 2 months. If not for the conveniences of home – TV and a comfortable trailer – we would have headed for home by now.

Zack has been in a digging frenzy. He saw a lizard when we were at Quartzsite and has been hunting ever since. Yesterday, as soon as we got to our new spot outside of Parker, he dug till he was exhausted and we wanted to go for a walk, so we left him and Molly in the trailer. Sound travels quite far here and we could hear him barking the whole time we were walking. We were only gone for 15 minutes and when we opened the door to the trailer, Zack had thrown up in 4 different spots. He suffers from separation anxiety and didn’t like being left behind. We were not sure if he ever had actually caught a lizard or not, but he hasn’t been up to snuff ever since being left in the trailer. He doesn’t want to eat much and threw up again last evening. Will keep an eye on him to make sure he is okay.

Raymond had read all of the books he bought with him, so we had to go to the flea market at Quartzsite and get more paperbacks. I am drawing every day and so far have filled one sketch book with all sorts of stuff. Oh, the joy of being retired!


  • Hello Mom & Ray,

    You know that thing that looks like a phone that Kevin lent you. There is a little button that you push so that people can contact you. It is called the power button (I'm such a smarty pants aren't I). Please turn the phone on... I have tried three nights in a roll to contact you and I just get voicemail.

    Things in my life:

    1. Katelyn is riding 2X per week and Indy is doing excellent. She is in her first horse show at the beginning of April. She also went on her first little date... Yikes(we drove and his parents picked up).

    2. Brett is almost done hockey - yipeee! He only has one game and one tournament left. Also he got his rotten tooth pulled out much to the relief of his parents. He didn't even cry - such a tough kid - must take after his mother.

    3. Ryan has a playoff game this Saturday. He does not play but if they win he will play on Sunday. He purchased Rockband for Xbox and has been playing ever since. I even gave the singing part a go... surprise surprise I failed.

    4. I have stopped crying at work so things are going better. Still a little lonely but I'm playing well in the sandbox.

    5. Ron is still cleaning as usual - ha ha. He is now heading up the taskforce for the Red Mile (Flames playoff run). This is the place that young girls get drunk, show their boobs and it gets on the internet.


    Love Yah!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:03 AM  

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