Where we are now

Friday, February 02, 2007


February 1, 2007

I called the Parker Animal Hospital at 9:30 am and was told that they had talked with our vet in Olds and she wanted Molly to be checked before getting any more medicine. We attended at Parker Animal Hospital at 11:00 am and Molly had her temperature taken, her vitals checked and got weighed. The vet said she was in good health and prescribed enough pills for carry Molly over until we get back home. They were very nice at the Parker Animal Hospital.We had a beautiful sunny day today and spent the afternoon basking in the warm rays. We plan on staying here until Monday


  • Happy to hear that Molly is doing well. Great picture of the sand dollar, especially since I have never seen one before. Enjoy the rest of your trip and take care. The last time I tried communicating with you, it didn't work. Let's see if I have improved. Oh, there are instructions. Should try to follow them!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:33 AM  

  • Hi u 2,
    Don't rush home.....'tis cold and miserable here. Maybe u could bring some warm sunshine!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 PM  

  • Hi folks - we are so enjoying reading your news, seeing the photos etc and knowing you are well and safe and enjoying your vacation. Think of you lots. Take care and happy trails.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:07 PM  

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