Where we are now

Friday, January 26, 2007

Mulege to San Felipe

January 24, 2007

Yesterday we drove from Mulege to Bahia de los Angeles and we are camped in Daggett’s Beach Camping GPSN28°58.308 W113°32.482

The beach is just over a little rise and the water is very blue. This is a fisherman’s paradise we are told, although tonight we decided to eat out and they apologized for not having any fish as the seas were too rough. I was thinking I might be daring and try some fish tacos but since they didn’t have any fish I opted for cheese tacos and they were really good. Raymond had beef burritos.

Today we had a back road adventure and traveled about 70 kms of rocky and sandy roads to the Mision de San Francisco de Borja Adac. The first church was made of adobe but Franciscano priests built a portico made of cantera stone (sandstone) in 1773, which still bears the code with the Franciscan monks’ emblem on the supported arch (thought I would throw a bit of history in). They are in the process of renewing it and we both thought the rough ride into the site was worth it.

Tomorrow we are heading north to Ensenada and hope we will again be able to get cel phone service.

January 25, 2007

We left Bahia de los Angeles this morning and after a long drive arrived at Ensenada. We had a total of three military checkpoints that required us both to get out of the vehicle so they could search it. They also looked in the trailer once. The interesting thing is that they have never looked in the back of the truck. One of the fellows was interested in our Arizona playing cards so Raymond gave them to him so he could play poker. We are parked at El Faro Beach Motel and Trailer Park GPS31°46.481 W116°37.040
We went to Mario’s Restaurant and had a delicious dinner of shrimp. Tomorrow we will head to San Felipe.

Side Note: As we traveled today we counted a total of 6 dead dogs by the side of the road. Animals are allowed to run free in Mexico and their lives are short. We treat our pets as members of the family and the Mexicans don’t seem to have any attachment to their dogs at all.

January 26, 2007

We had a good trip from Ensenada to San Felipe. We went through two more military inspections. The first time I did not have to get out of the vehicle and Raymond just showed them the trailer. We went about ½ km and passed through the second one and they just waved us through as they knew we had stopped at the previous one. We are camped at the Villa Marina Campo Turistico GPS N30°54.581 W114°42.538We will be staying a few days and then traveling north to Mexicali and going through to the States


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