Where we are now

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


January 14, 2007

We are still camping in paradise but the wind has found us and today we are back in long pants – for heaven’s sake it is 13°C. Yesterday we climbed a steep hill in order to locate a geocache. I thought the climb was challenging, but Raymond just trotted along. Zack walked most of the way, but when it got too challenging for him, Raymond carried him. I didn’t get the same treatment – I had to fend for myself! The round trip was just over 2 kms.

It is beautiful here by the water but the land is up for sale and the developers will be moving in to fashion the place like Cancun, etc. What a shame! We are pleased that we got to stay here before it lost its simplicity.

It was windy and cloudy so we decided to do a short trip in the back country. Our guide book said the road was graded No. 2 and it was for a short time. Then it became nothing but a rocky trail. We drove for what seemed hours and honestly thought we were lost. There were trails going off all over the place but we stuck to the most worn track and finally found our way back to the main road. Of course we had to stop along the shore so I could search for seashells.

January 15, 2007

We are on the move. This morning we packed up and traveled on to CD Constitucion and we are parked in the Palapa 206 RV Park. GPS N24°59.599 W111°39.311
This city is the largest we have been in since we left Ensenada with over 45,000 people. This RV park is run by an English gentleman and is a very clean place. We are going to stay here for a few days and will take a day trip to Puerto San Carlos maybe to see the whales. We had to get water today and we are very pleased that they have bottled water outlets as we were a little concerned we couldn’t get bulk drinking water. Raymond said they washed our 5 gallon container before filling it and that they had masks and rubber gloves on.


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