Where we are now

Friday, January 05, 2007

By the Sea

This is the view from our campsite high above the Pacific Ocean. It has been extremely windy. Last night Raymond was up at least 4 times to check that the trailer wasn't blowing off the hill. One of the other tenants of Lomas Del Mar camping area, said that he had been here two months and he has never seen the weather so bad.

Yesterday we went to the Immigration Office and got our tourists cards. If you don't get them when you cross over from USA you have to pay a fine (which we had to do). We are now officially tourists for 180 days. You are supposed to carry them with you at all times in case you are asked for them. Today we went geocaching and there was a military checkpoint on the highway. I had left my tourist card back at the trailer and I was scared they would ask for it. Luckily they didn't. They just asked where we were going and when Raymond told them, they just waved us through.
This picture is the Pacific Ocean thundering onto the shore at the Blow Hole at La Bufadora.

Our GPS location at the moment:
N31°43.285 W116°41.071

We have Kevin's cel phone and we are having trouble phoning home. Would anyone know what we should be doing in order to complete a call to Canada from Mexico? Posted by Picasa


  • Hi Cathy and Raymond,
    saw your note about the phone....Canada's country code is 1 if that helps you any. I've looked in the book and there isn't much info. There is a website..www.telus.com/canadadirect.That wealthy Kevin should be able to help you being a former Telus man!!
    Enjoy the trip, Marguerite

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:28 PM  

  • Hi Mom, In regards to the phone are you getting service? Is the phone displaying "No Service". If you are getting service what message are you getting when you try and dial 1-403-... to call home?

    Need a little more info?..hope you are havin fun

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:46 PM  

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