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Friday, December 29, 2006

On the way

December 27, 2006

We started on our adventure yesterday and drove from Calgary to Helena, Montana. The weather was cold, but not bad and the roads were all clear. We had no problems going through Customs at the US border crossing.

Today we drove from Helena to south of Salt Lake City, Utah. What a circus was driving through Salt Lake – people driving like maniacs, five or six lanes of traffic going at breakneck speeds, bobbing through

December 28, 2006

Hi, from Needles, California! Today we had a real mixture of weather. We started off from Utah early this morning and it was snowing and the roads were very icy. It was -6 C but it felt colder. Raymond managed to keep both truck and trailer on the road, but quite a few other vehicles and trailers weren’t as lucky. When we went in for lunch at Denny’s in St. George it was 3°C and when we came out of Denny’s it was 12°C – what a change in temperature. We had a short drive through Arizona and the wind was blowing about 120 miles an hour (well, it felt that it was blowing that hard!) and Raymond again managed to keep us on the road. Arizona has beautiful rock formations in all sorts of colors but I liked the red rock the best. Then we drove on to Nevada and it was still windy. Going through Vegas was a nightmare – unbelievable traffic and of course we had to go through the downtown area to get on the road going south. Again, Raymond’s expert driving kept us accident free.


  • Read your website today - glad you guys are having fun and are safe! Good driving Ray! Brett has a hockey tournament in Three Hills on the weekend of February 11th. Are you going to be home by then? Miss you lots!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:34 AM  

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