Where we are now

Monday, January 01, 2007

Camping Time 2

December 30, 2006

Raymond was anxious to post something so he did not even wait for me to finish typing our adventures on December 27! Here is an amendment to that date:

Today we drove from Helena to south of Salt Lake City, Utah. What a circus it was driving through Salt Lake – people driving like maniacs, five or six lanes of traffic going at breakneck speeds, vehicles bobbing from lane to lane – it is a wonder that many people aren’t killed on this freeway every day! I THOUGHT THE DEERFOOT WAS A NIGHTMARE, THIS WAS TEN TIMES WORSE! AND WE HAVE TO DRIVE BACK THIS WAY!

Now on with our trip – Quartzsite, AZ N33°45./36 W114°11.776

Molly is doing well. The steroids seem to be helping her and she is having a great time sniffing all the new scents.

We are camping in the desert at Quartzsite, Arizonia. It was warm here yesterday but we have not put on shorts yet. Quartzsite has a huge flea market starting the middle of January so we are a little bit too early to get the ‘bargains’ they will have for sale.

Going geocaching today and just taking it easy for the next few days before we head into Mexico.


  • Glad to hear you have gotten away alright. Looks warm in your picture. Things are going fast with Jazmine now, she came into heat and may be breed this week! I wonder if Zack will like the puppies?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:50 PM  

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