Where we are now

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Feb 1

January 31, 2007


We drove into Palmer this morning as we had mega chores to do:

Oil for Raymond to change oil in the truck

Find a veterinary place and get Molly some more of her steroids. We attended the Parker Animal Hospital and they advised that they had the required medicine but they needed a prescription from our vet. We phoned the Chinook Country Vet Clinic in Olds and they said they would fax the required info.

Found a Laundromat and I proceeded to do 3 loads of laundry. This was the day that everyone else decided to do laundry so it took awhile.

Raymond went to fill up with gas and fill the propane bottle.

We went back to the vets and were told that the vet clinic in Olds had faxed the wrong info. Our vet in Olds was not in until later in the day and she had to fill out a prescription and fax it to the Parker vet. There is a federal law in Arizona that they will not fill any prescription without paperwork from the official vet. We will have to make another trip tomorrow to get the pills and this will be another 66 km trip.

We got groceries at Safeway.

We got 4 videos so we had something to do at night besides play cards and Yahtzee.

We drove back to the trailer, got our shorts on, Raymond changed the oil in the truck and it rained! Oh well, there is always tomorrow!


  • Thanks Mom & Ray! I got to spend my birthday at a hockey arena in Airdrie as Ryan's team is competing to get into the provincials (they won the first game and tie the second). It was a good day!

    Talk to you soon!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:22 AM  

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