Where we are now

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I once thought that the idea of retiring meant that a person had nothing to do all day!
Well, our idea of retiring has meant that we are constantly working! We bought this place as Raymond loves to putter around the house - and we have a pile of renovating to do. So far we have painted the bedroom, gutted the half bath off the bedroom, I am pulling up the flooring in the bedroom and piles of dust have been created everywhere. Oh well, the end result will be great.
I won't drink the water here even though the water report says it is fit for drinking. It has a smell to it but it is really soft. I have had to cut down on the amount of soap I use.
So far the wildlife that have visited our place have been: a moose, 2 deer, 5 blue jays, a woodpecker, 2 birds (we don't know what they are, but were really pretty), a squirrel and little birds about the size of sparrows. The squirrel feels that he is the king of the back yard and he chases the birds off of the bird feeder. He also drives Molly and Zack mad when he comes on the porch to get his peanuts. They watch him through the sliding glass doors and he picks up a peanut, turns his back to them and proceeds to either eat his peanut there or he takes them to his stash somewhere in the trees.

Well, I have had a short break now so I guess it is back to ripping up the bedroom floor. We hope the renovations in the bedroom will be completed by Christmas. We have nowhere to put a tree so I guess we won't have one this Christmas.


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