Where we are now

Friday, November 25, 2005

Now settled into

We have now settled into our new home. The last of the boxes are just waiting to be unpacked, and I think we are finally here!

We had been contemplating moving from the big city of Calgary (who would have thought it would now be home to almost a million people). Raymond and I had been escaping from the city every other weekend, packing the trailer and the dogs and traveling to the nearest campground. I retired last April and Raymond decided to retire in October if we could find somewhere to move to. Low and behold Stephen called one day and said to look at a cute little place at Red Lodge Estates. We called this place, but it was already conditionally sold, so Raymond entered Red Lodge Estates in the computer and came up with a 1.2 acre lot with a little house that certainly needed some tender loving care. We made an offer and we are now living in our ‘altered’ dream home.

One of the biggest perks to living in the country is the amount of wildlife that wanders onto your property. A LARGE moose wandered through last week and today we had a squirrel and two blue birds (we haven’t found our book on Alberta birds to confirm what these birds are, but they look like blue birds or blue cardinals, if there is such a thing) fighting over the seeds we had put in the bird feeder. A woodpecker was also seen flying in our back yard.

Raymond has been very busy fixing and organizing all our stuff. It is amazing how just a few finishing touches will make a home look better. We plan to build a garage next spring and then put an extension onto the front of the house.

The mail boxes are about 2 and a half miles away, so twice a week Raymond drops Zack and me there when he gets the mail and we walk back. It takes Zack and me 40 minutes to walk home, but it is good exercise for both of us.
Raymond bought a new toy this week – a chain saw – and he spent yesterday in the back woods cutting down dead trees. He has a roaring fire going in the front room which will keep us cozy and warm. With the snow that is predicted, it is starting to feel a lot like Christmas


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