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Friday, November 04, 2005

Update by Emma

Had an appointment with my oncologist this morning.
Very hard to get up at 6:30am to make it to the hospital in time.They started with some blood work. They are happy with the results. My white blood cell counts are low but apparently not too bad (Carol - 2.7 on the whites and 1.6 on the babies).
They are going to keep me on the same dose of interferon as I was previously on as they feel I am tolerating itwell.They then gave me the results of the ultrasounds I had a couple of weeks ago. Not bad news but not exactly positive either. Of my lymph nodes, they could find 6 and one of them was enlarged. They classified it as "reactive"meaning it is responding to something but being a lymph node, it could be anything. They couldn't detect a mass inside it so I guess that is good.
They are going to re-ultrasound in a couple of months to follow it.The other ultrasound of my abdomen did not get a clear read on my liver.There may be a mass on it but they aren't sure as the scan didn't work too well. I think I saw in the report that there is something like a 50% chance of it being a mass. Originally they weren't going to followup on it as my CT scan in August showed my liver as being normal but by the time I got home from lunch with Mum, they had left a message saying they had talked it over and decided to do a CT or PET scan (not sure which). So now I have to wait for that appointment which may be a few weeks. Well, that is about all there is to report.
PS - not related to the cancer but I also sprained my ankle on Tuesday.Sigh.


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