Where we are now

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Update by Emma

Good news finally.
I went to see my oncologist today and got the results for the PET scan I had on Tuesday. The scan picked up my scar from the original excision but they think it is just inflammation in there still as my margins from the pathology were clear. They can also see the lymph node that was enlarged on the ultrasound. They will be keeping an eye on it but they actually can't feel it so we are just keeping our fingers crossed.
The best news though is that nothing else showed up - my liver, brain, lungs etc are all fine. I can't tell you what a relief it was to hear that.
I am still officially "no evidence of disease" (5 months and counting)!!
I picked up my next supply of interferon but since they are running low, they could only give me 2 weeks worth. They are going to courier the rest to my pharmacy when it comes in next week. I asked how much the stuff runs and was told $450/syringe - which for me is one weeks worth!! I figured it out and the cost of my drugs alone will be $25,000! Thank goodness for the health care system - you really appreciate it in situations like this.
I want to thank you all for your emails and prayers.
They have really helped.Emma


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