Where we are now

Friday, December 30, 2005

Hi, from the county!

Well, Christmas is over and done with so today I will take the decorations down. Somehow it didn't feel very Christmasy - maybe some of the white stuff would have helped. We also did not have a tree as there was no room to put it this year.
We travelled to Susan's place for Christmas dinner. The grandkids don't like to leave home on Christmas day as they like to play with all the stuff that Santa brought them, so we go there. We are going to Susan's place again on New Year's day so we can celebrate with Stephen and Caroline. They spent their Xmas with Caroline's sister and her family.
We just have a few finishing touches to complete the renovations in our bedroom. Hopefully Home Depot in Calgary will be open on New Year's Day so we can pick up some baseboards and stuff on our way to Susan's for dinner.
Sure enjoyed hearing the squirrel stories - Rocky (our squirrel) feels that the bird feeder is his private stock, too. We can see him tearing through the trees and over to the birdfeeder to chase the blue jays away when ever they come for a nibble. The little animals sure entertain us.
Well, back to work- no rest for the retired!


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