Where we are now

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hi from the road to Robson's Mining World Museum


January 6, 2008

We are parked out in the desert just a short way from Robson’s Mining World Museum. It is supposed to be open to the public but the sign says it is closed. They are also supposed to have a Bed and Breakfast operation there, too. Will check again tomorrow morning to see if it is open. We seem to be hooked into internet way out in the desert but we don't have cel phone service. Go figure!

Have been doing some geocaching around this area. Yesterday we walked 3 miles round trip through a canyon up and down and over rocks leading to a warm pool of water that comes out of the rocks. It was quite a challenge and we sure were tired when we got back. We found the geocache but Raymond had to carry Zack for quite a ways cause he couldn't manoever over the rocks. Today we did two more geocaches and walked nearly another three miles. Again Zack had to be carried as there were so many cactus and the prickly parts got caught in his feet. Raymond took along the comb so the prickly things could be removed more easily from Zack's feet.

We are getting good reception with our Starchoice satellite. Watching the news so we keep up with events. Cathy is keeping up with her TV programs and we have some DVD's to keep us entertained.

We have survived our colds and feeling much better.


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