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Thursday, May 18, 2006

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  • Generation Pictures Films

    Contact us

    Feel free to contact us anytime you would like. Contact us for auditions and donations.
    We are recently casting for a Generation Picture film.
    Feel free to contact us if you are interested in auditioning.



    Projects in Production

    Generation Pictures recently working on a series of new films. All the films are currently "in production", which means we are either filming, casting, or even writing the film. Generation pictures is always looking for talent, so keep on sending in those resumes because we're currently casting. Here is a little description of each new Generation Pictures film that is in production...

    "The Greenhouse Effect"

    In the year 2056, the world continues to pollute the air with greenhouse gases. Causing the climate to continue rising dramatically. This story follows a local middle-school in panic. After the school has been ordered to stay inside of the building because of the extreme heat and the safety for the students. Because of the heat some major effects occur. Such as sickness, insane, and even collapsing. (Currently Casting)

    "Teacher's Day Off 2"

    The original gang is all back! Tommy, the leader, and Jane, the geek are still mortal enemies. On the last day of Middle school, the switch happens... again! The adults are all missing! And everybody if much more mature, so this means it's time to party. Instead of childish actions such as eating candy and playing games, the gang takes this to a much bigger level. Such as Love, laughter, and life. (Currently filming)


    This new original Sci-Fi movie is about a strange town. What if I told you that everybody was the same? Everybody had done what they have been told to do. Nobody ever had a choice to stand out and be different. Yet, in everybody’s mind, they were thinking it. They were thinking the slightest temptation to stand out, and be unordinary. Generation pictures introduces, the scifi thriller of the year, Temptation. (Currently Casting)

    "Balls & Strikes"

    This new Generation Picture film is a story about a young boy who learns to play baseball in the 60's with a group of boys. He meets Kenneth, Pat (A Tom/boy), Stephen, Brian, Robbie, Jeffery, and Daniel. But when recent events occur, this young boy soon learns that there is much more to life than baseball such as love, compassion, friends, and loss. Generation Pictures film is directed by Adam Nelson. (Currently In production)

    Community News

    Generation Pictures has finished casting for it's new film "Balls and Strikes." For all of those who auditioned I would just like to say thank you very much as you are all very talented but I could only cast nine people from the forty-five people who auditioned. Thank you. IF you have received a role, congratulations on receiving a role in this new Generation Pictures film. As you may know it took many long hours on putting together the right cast. If you have not yet read the script, you should know that the film is a period movie set in the 1960’s. Generation Pictures will be providing period clothing for the actors. Before we begin to film the movie there will be a cast and crew meeting. This meeting will take place on July 14th, 2006 at the Generation Pictures Studios. The filming of the film will start July 17th- July 26th. Thank you, and I can’t wait to begin to work with everyone on this great film.

    The Cast of “Balls and Strikes”

    Charlie- David Petry
    Patricia- Kaitlyn Wellendorf
    Kenneth- Eric McDonnell
    Stephen- Sam Puglia
    Daniel- Jacob Petry
    Brian- Nick Rosenfeld
    Jeffery- Alex Biats
    Robbie- Josh Decatur
    Susan- Krissa Duhon

    Notice to All script writers:

    Generation Pictures is always looking for new films to film and produce. Therefore, we are always looking for writers of scripts, you can feel free to send in a file of your script to us if you are intersted in having your very own script made into a movie. Please send in your scripts.

    By Blogger Adam Nelson, at 9:00 PM  

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