Where we are now

Friday, February 24, 2006

Emma Report

I had blood work done yesterday and after much searching and two pokes, they managed to get enough blood (barely). I haven't heard anything so I have to assume that the results are satisfactory.
I went to the Tom Baker today to pick up my next month's supply of interferon. I have discovered that if I call ahead, they will have it ready to go. Much quicker! This also lets me use the 5 minute parking rather than the lot a 10 minute walk away! Parking is quite a problem there.
Tonight marks the end of six months on interferon - the halfway mark. I am pleased to have come this far but another six months seems like such a longtime. I continue to have the same symptoms - fatigue being the worst. As always, some days are better than others. I guess the best way to describe it is that I am getting used to it all. My hair loss has slowed down but I don't think there is any new stuff growing. I haven't needed a haircut in ages.On a positive note, I haven't had any indications of new tumors nor have I had to go through the nailbitting process of waiting for new scans andtests. Hopefully it stays that way!
I have returned to work, but only for one morning a week (Mondays, this being the day I feel the best). It is nice to get out of the house and back to the world but I do struggle with concentration and thought processes. Also, the company has had three acquisitions since I went on sick leave and my department has doubled in size. I am finding it hard remembering all the new names and faces. I am also finding that I have to sleep an extra hour for each hour that I work.
The dogs continue to entertain me during the day with their antics and we go for a walk each day. The exercise and fresh air seems to help. I am so grateful to have their company, usually one or more is snuggled up to me on the couch. I don't know how they will react when I am not a stay at home "mum" anymore! Anyway, that is about it for me.


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