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Friday, January 28, 2005


Weekend tidings

Pour a drink. Relax. Contemplate the weekend. And enjoy these random musings:

I wish alcohol came in pill form.

If I were a military general during the Iron Age, I wouldn't bring swords and crossbows. I'd just bring a big ole, horse-drawn magnet and drag it across the battle field. That would suck up the whole lot of human tin cans. Just imagine if Gandolf would have conjured up a big magnet. The Lord of the Rings trilogy would have taken a mere 20 minutes.

There's no hope for a species that invented the iron maiden.

You know that cartoon dog, McGruff, who implores you to take a bite out of crime? I don't think Mike Tyson or Marv Albert should watch that cartoon.

The ancient Egyptians enslaved thousands of people who spent their entire existence building stone pyramids for a single monarch to live in -- after he dies. Now there's a country that needs a "separation of church and state" clause in the hieroglyphics!

Failed invention: the boomerang-shaped bullet.

Do you think Microsoft was trying to make a statement on modern society when they named their font "New Times Roman?"

We just spent 6 billion dollars to look at the surface of Mars. I could have told you exactly what it looked like: rocks and dust. In fact, that's what EVERY planet looks like. Are you listening, NASA! Why do they put cameras on those landers anyway? I think Star Trek gave the false impressions that all those female aliens are hotties.

Gays in the military? No way. But gays in the military is impractical. These guys fret when their shoes don't match their belts. We're supposed to believe they'll don camouflage?


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